

Sunil Saxena from the University of Pittsburgh visits the department and gives an exciting talk in the Chemistry School Colloquium.

It’s that time of year again – June means graduation time!
Hannah graduates with a BSc Biology and Chemistry, and is awarded the Astra-Zeneca Prize for her honours project with us (best Biological Chemistry project); she also wins a Medal in BSc Biology and Chemistry, and the Forrester Prize for the best graduating student of her class – many congratulations, well done!

We have our annual CMR conference – Katrin presents a poster.

Katrin and Bela spend a week in Thomas Prisner's lab in Frankfurt to do multi-quantum counting.

Hannah finishes her undergraduate project and passes her viva. Many thanks for the amazing progress made since September.

Hannah presents her undergraduate research project performed in the group.

Happy to report that we can finally get back to measuring at the Q-band spectrometer in Physics, which is back to work and humming along after several months of downtime for essential repairs.

A collaborative study from the White lab, the Gloster lab, and our lab at St Andrews on a protein involved in CRISPR antiphage defence has been accepted for publication as a “Breakthrough” paper by Nucleic Acids Research.

Another collaborative study, this time with the Pliotas group, on a mechanosensitive channel under cyclodextrin-induced membrane tension, has just been accepted for publication in Structure.

Ellie Tardo from the group of Lucile Moynie at the Rosalind Franklin Institute joins us for a research visit – welcome, Ellie!

Katrin has won an RSE International Joint Project Research Award together with Andreas Meyer (MPI for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Germany) for their project on Cu(II)-19F distance measurements using ENDOR spectroscopy for structural biology.

January: We wish everyone a Happy and Healthy 2024!

A good start to the New Year: A collaborative research project on nanomolar distance measurements between Olav Schiemann and our group is accepted for publication in JPCL.

Aisika joins the group as first year PhD student - Welcome, Aisika!

Older news here

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