The programme for ECECR2017 will be published in August 2017.
There will be two parallel sessions for oral presentations running in the morning and afternoon, split by subject area.
During lunchtime and break in the afternoon the poster session will run. There will be plenty of time for networking during these periods.
The conference will conclude with the Keynote speaker, followed by a drinks reception.
Oral Presentations
Oral presentations will be a total of 15 minutes (12+3). Presenters are requested to strictly keep to time, owing to the number of speakers and the nature of the parallel sessions.
Presentations can be displayed from a PC or Mac (both available in the venues), or on your own laptop.
If you are using your own device, please check that it works with the AV equipment in the lecture theatre prior to the start of your session. Your session chair will be able to assist you in the setup.
A laser pointer and slide advancer will also be available.
Poster Presentations
Posters should be produced at A0 size (1189×841 mm) in portrait orientation.
Posters should be hung on arrival, and removed at the end of the conference.
The main poster session will be during the lunch break, with judging also during this time.
A range of fastenings to attach your poster to the boards will be supplied.