Registration [Deadline 14th August 2017]
The invitation to ECECR2017 is open to all academics, postdoctoral researchers, PhD students, and MChem students from the EaStCHEM School of Chemistry.
If you wish to attend the event, please register using the form on this page. Once you have completed all the fields, please click Register.
Abstract Submission [Deadline Oral 7th Aug | Poster 14th Aug]
Postdocs and Early-Career Researchers are invited to submit abstracts to be considered for oral and poster presentations. If you wish to submit an abstract, please register first, then upload your abstract using the dropbox below.
The abstract template can be downloaded HERE.
Your abstract should include a section on your career and a photograph - there are sections for these in the abstract template.
Your filename should be in the format firstname_lastname.pdf, and you should submit both a word and a PDF copy of your abstract to the dropbox below.