University of St Andrews
School of Chemistry
Powder X-ray Diffraction


PANalytical Empyrean. Cu X-ray tube. Primary beam monochromator (CuKa1).
15-position sample changer. X'celerator RTMS detector.
Both diffractometers are operated in reflection, Bragg Brentano,Theta -2Theta mode. Data collected at room temperature. Generic sample holders or PANalytical holders with 0-background Si substrate and optional Kapton film cover. Maximum 17 samplles/day. Data collection with Adjustable Divergence Slit.Operated by authorised personnel only.


STOE STADIP. Mo X-ray tube. Primary beam monochromator (MoKa1).
Single position-sensitive Mythen linear detector.
Both diffractometers are operated in capillary Debye-Scherrer mode. Data on GEORGE collected only at room temperature. RINGO is equipped with permanently mounted Cobra Plus non-liquid-nitrogen cryostream from Oxford Cryosystems for VT measurements in the range 80 -500K and STOE HT2 reaction chamber for measurements at up to 1800K with a gas flow through capillary.


PANalytical Empyrean. Mo X-ray tube. ß-filter (Mo Ka1,2). X'celerator RTMS detector.
For VT measurements only. Equipped with: 1) Anton Paar HTK1200N stage (rt - 1200 C) in capillary, Debye-Scherrer, or reflection, Bragg Brentano,Theta - Theta mode under vacuum or variety of flowing gases. 2) Anton Paar HPC900 stage (rt - 900 C, up to 100 bar pressure of inert/reducing gas), reflection, Bragg Brentano,Theta - Theta mode. Operated by authorised personnel only.


Rigaku. Cu X-ray tube.
D/tex Ultra detector (Cu Ka1,2).
Instant access rt measurements, Bragg Brentano,Theta -2Theta mode. 2Theta range 5-70 degrees,
Data collection time - 15 minutes.
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